以太坊dapp是什么_什么是Dapp? 以太坊Dapps指南
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In the cryptoverse, a lot of attention is laid on Bitcoin. But don't let that overshadow the growing interest in Ethereum, which is revolutionizing the way we think of applications.

在加密货币领域,比特币受到了很多关注。 但是不要让这掩盖了对以太坊日益增长的兴趣,这正在彻底改变我们对应用程序的看法。

So, what is a Dapp? A Dapp, or decentralized application, is a software application that runs on a distributed network. It's not hosted on a centralized server, but instead on a peer-to-peer decentralized network.

那么,什么是Dapp? Dapp或分散式应用程序是在分布式网络上运行的软件应用程序。 它不是托管在中央服务器上,而是托管在对等分散网络上。

Alright, that's the short version, but there's a lot more to unpack. Let's dive into the world of Dapps, more specifically those built on the Ethereum protocol.

好的,那是简短的版本,但是还有很多需要解压的东西。 让我们深入了解Dapps的世界,更具体地说,是基于以太坊协议构建的Dapps。

什么是以太坊? (What is Ethereum?)

To understand what a Dapp is, you first need to understand what Ethereum is. Now, there are other protocols that are used to build Dapps, like EOS, NEO, Stellar, Tron, and Cardano, but the big dog is Ethereum.

要了解什么是Dapp,首先需要了解以太坊。 现在,还有其他用于构建Dapp的协议,例如EOS,NEO,Stellar,Tron和Cardano,但最大的麻烦就是以太坊。

Ethereum is a network protocol that allows users to create and run smart contracts over a decentralized network. A smart contract contains code that runs specific operations and interacts with other smart contracts, which has to be written by a developer. Unlike Bitcoin which stores a number, Ethereum stores executable code.

以太坊是一种网络协议,它允许用户在分散的网络上创建和运行智能合约 。 智能合约包含运行特定操作并与其他智能合约交互的代码,这些代码必须由开发人员编写。 与存储数字的比特币不同,以太坊存储可执行代码。

So, why should you care?


Because Ethereum removes the need for a third party to handle transactions between peers. Since the middle man is replaced by code, all kinds of costs are reduced, including time and money.

因为以太坊消除了第三方处理同级之间交易的需要。 由于中间人被代码代替,因此减少了各种成本,包括时间和金钱。

Just like Bitcoin removes the need for someone to hold your money, Ethereum removes the need for someone to broker a deal.


Now you might be wondering, where are all these smart contracts? Well, they're essentially hosted on multiple computer nodes all across the world.

现在您可能想知道,所有这些智能合约在哪里? 好吧,它们基本上托管在世界各地的多个计算机节点上。

These nodes contain all of the information of all the world's smart contracts, including code, transactions, etc. They're constantly working to keep this information up-to-date so they all have the exact same copy. This what makes smart contracts, and cryptocurrencies in general, decentralized.

这些节点包含世界上所有智能合约的所有信息,包括代码,交易等。它们一直在努力使这些信息保持最新,因此它们都具有完全相同的副本。 这使得智能合约和一般的加密货币去中心化。

And since all of the nodes have the same information and are spread across the world, the removal of a node won't interrupt the execution of any smart contract. Redundancy ensures uptime.

并且由于所有节点都具有相同的信息并且分布在世界各地,因此删除节点不会中断任何智能合约的执行。 冗余确保正常运行时间。

什么是Dapp? (What is a Dapp?)

Now that we have a good idea of what Ethereum and smart contracts are, we can start diving into the details of what a Dapp is.


Just to be clear, a Dapp is just like any other software application you use. It could be a website or an app on your phone. What makes a Dapp different than a traditional app is that it's built on a decentralized network, like Ethereum.

需要明确的是,Dapp与您使用的任何其他软件应用程序一样。 它可以是手机上的网站或应用程序。 Dapp与传统应用的不同之处在于它基于以太坊等去中心化网络构建。

When you're creating your own Ethereum smart contracts, you're actually writing a piece of the backend code for your Dapp. And while your Dapp will have a user interface like a traditional app, either all or part of the backend is built on top of Ethereum.

当您创建自己的以太坊智能合约时,实际上是在为Dapp编写一段后端代码。 尽管您的Dapp具有类似于传统应用的用户界面,但后端的全部或部分都建立在以太坊之上。

Dapp = frontend + smart contract backend

Dapp =前端+智能合约后端

This backend code is written in an Ethereum-specific language, including Solidity (the most popular), Serpent, and Vyper. Below is an example of a simple "Hello World" contract written in Solidity.

该后端代码以以太坊特定的语言编写,包括Solidity(最受欢迎),Serpent和Vyper。 下面是一个用Solidity编写的简单“ Hello World”合同的示例。

pragma solidity ^0.4.22;contract helloWorld { function printHelloWorld () public pure returns (string) {   return 'Hello World!'; }}

If the smart contract is deployed onto Ethereum's mainnet (i.e., production) or even a local testnet, your Dapp can execute the code in the smart contract by calling the function printHelloWorld().


But what about the frontend? Is there any specific language you need to use for your Dapp?

但是前端呢? Dapp是否需要使用任何特定的语言?

Nope! You can use whatever frontend language/framework you want. But it is possible to host your frontend code on decentralized storage nodes to make both your frontend and backend decentralized.

不! 您可以使用所需的任何前端语言/框架。 但是可以将您的前端代码托管在分散的存储节点上,以使您的前端和后端都分散。

Take a look at technologies like and to learn more about decentralized storage.


OK, so Dapps are just applications that have some or all of their backend decentralized and possibly even have a decentralized frontend. Why should you care?

好的,因此Dapps只是具有部分或全部后端去中心化甚至可能具有去中心化前端的应用程序。 你为什么要在乎呢?

The development of Dapps is another step toward a future of the Internet that's commonly referred to as Web 3.0.

Dapps的开发是通向互联网(通常称为Web 3.0)未来的又一步。

以太坊Dapps:Web 3.0的骨干 (Ethereum Dapps: The Backbone of Web 3.0)

Since the creation of the Internet, the amount of information and human interaction has exploded. We're able to produce and consume information at near infinite levels.

自从Internet创立以来,信息和人类互动的数量猛增。 我们能够产生和消费几乎无限量的信息。

Unfortunately, the ability to control this information has become heavily centralized over time. This includes information about your social life, health, finances, and much more. Those who control this information are the ultimate owners of it and can use it as they see fit.

不幸的是,随着时间的流逝,控制此信息的能力已变得高度集中。 其中包括有关您的社交生活,健康状况,财务状况等信息。 控制此信息的人是该信息的最终所有者,可以视需要使用它们。

These are essentially middle men that hold your information on their centralized servers so they can provide you with services, like holding your money, hosting you website, connecting with family and friends, etc. And at the push of a button, they can completely remove you from accessing this (your?) information and all related services.


This is a monopoly on the information you produce and consume as well as the services you use. Thankfully, Web 3.0 changes all of that and Ethereum Dapps are playing a central role.

这是对您产生和使用的信息以及所使用的服务的垄断。 幸运的是,Web 3.0改变了所有这一切,以太坊Dapps发挥了核心作用。

Web 3.0 is a lot of things, but at its core is a technology based on decentralization. By decentralizing information and services, large corporations and governments won't be able to control users of the Internet through monopolistic, authoritarian tactics.

Web 3.0有很多东西,但其核心是基于分散化的技术。 通过分散信息和服务的分散,大型公司和政府将无法通过垄断的威权主义策略来控制Internet的用户。

Ethereum Dapps, with their ability to decentralize information and services, gives Web 3.0 a platform to deliver a completely free (as in freedom) and accessible Internet for everyone. No longer will there be a central point of control because there won't be middle men to facilitate the flow of information and services.

以太坊Dapps具有分散信息和服务的能力,为Web 3.0提供了一个平台,可以为所有人提供完全免费(如自由)和可访问的Internet。 不再有中央控制点,因为不再有中间人来促进信息和服务的流动。

Some of the most promising Ethereum tokens and Dapps are laying the foundation for the future of the Internet, including:


  • (BAT): used to improve privacy and value transfer between users, publishers, and advertisers. Used in the .

    (BAT):用于改善用户,发布者和广告商之间的隐私和价值转移。 在 。

  • (GNT): used to run code on one or many distributed compute nodes.


  • : a social media platform that improves value transfer between content creators and consumers.


  • : used to manage cryptocurrency assets via tokenized automated asset management strategies.


  • : used to earn interest on cryptocurrency deposits and borrow cryptocurrency assets.


  • : a decentralized cryptocurrency exchange.


总结思想 (Closing Thoughts)

Since the creation of Bitcoin, the first cryptocurrency, there's been a massive growth in the cryptoverse.


Being able to store data in a decentralized way was a necessary stepping stone to the decentralization of code execution. With Ethereum, it's now possible to deploy smart contracts across the world to power the backend for existing and future Dapps.

能够以分散的方式存储数据是分散执行代码的必要垫脚石。 借助以太坊,现在可以在全球范围内部署智能合约,为现有和未来Dapp的后端提供动力。

And as more and more Dapps are launched, we'll get closer and closer to a more free, fair, and accessible Internet.





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